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Communication Results from Connection
- octombrie 23, 2020
- Posted by: Laura Dragomir
- Category: Blog

We always learn alone but never without others.
People do not communicate primarily by words but by emotional states.
People make judgments about what you are saying based on emotional tone, body language, facial expressions, eye contact, level of distractedness, tone of voice – before the part of the brain that interprets the meaning of words is active.
Like many aspects of communication and interaction, you likely never received any formal instruction on expressing emotions. Instead, you learn through observation, trial and error, and through occasional explicit guidance (boys don’t cry).
We learn, through socialization, how to read and display emotions, although some people are better at reading emotions than others. However, as with most aspects of communication, you can learn to become more competent.
Communication Results from Connection. People always learn alone but never without others.
It`s call social learning.
There are 2 types of emotions
- Are innate emotions that are experienced for short periods of time and appear rapidly, usually as a reaction to an outside stimulus, and are experienced similarly across all cultures.
- The primary emotions are: joy, distress, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust.
- Are not as innate as primary emotions, and do not have a corresponding facial expression that makes them universally recognizable.
- Are processed by a different part of the brain that requires higher order thinking; therefore, they are not reflexive.
- Secondary emotions are:love, guilt, shame, embarrassment, pride, envy (envi), and jealousy.
- These emotions develop over time, take longer to fade away, and are interpersonal because they are most often experienced in relation to real or imagined others.
It’s hard to imagine what our lives would be like without emotions, and in fact we wouldn’t be here without them.
Pay attention to emotions, it give you a lot of information about what people think and feel. The better you understand your own emotions and the better you read the emotions of others, the better you understand how those around you feel and think.
So, remember!
- Communication Results from Connection.
- Connection is basically the alignment of emotional states.
Think of times when you felt emotionally connected to others. Communication was not a work that required techniques, or careful word choice.
Emotional connection is a mental state that begins with a resolve to show compassion, understanding, and curiosity.