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Interpersonal skills – The foundation for success in life
- octombrie 11, 2020
- Posted by: Laura Dragomir
- Category: Blog

Interpersonal skills are the skills we use every day when we communicate and interact with other people.
It include a wide range of skills, but particularly communication skills such as:
- listening
- effective speaking
- the ability to control and manage your emotions
It is no exaggeration to say that interpersonal skills are the foundation for success in life.
People with strong interpersonal skills tend to be able to work well with other people, formally and informally.
Let me tell you about effective speaking.
Our ability to interact with others can be broken by the goal we have in mind for our interactions.
How can we mentally structure a conversation in our minds when time is of the essence?
Here some tips:
- Stay on Message. Be clear exactly what ideas you are trying to express or the message you are trying to convey to the other person or group. What do you most want them to understand?
- Make It a Two-Way Conversation. Try to really hear and understand where others are coming from. What are they trying to say? What messages are they trying to get across to you? Ask yourself, “Do I really understand them?” Pay special attention not just to what they are saying, but to what isn’t being said. And then, adjust your communication.
- Making Sense Of It All. Always ask yourself, “Does what I’m saying make sense? Does the feedback I’m receiving make sense? What is the perspective they are trying to get across? Does it make sense that they have this perspective?” When both parties in the conversation are truly able to say they understand or that “it makes sense,” clear and effective communication has been achieved.
- Respect Your Audience as You Respect Yourself. To be a clear and effective communicator, you must first recognize that your message is not just about you or what you want. It’s about “what’s in it for the audience.” You must both believe in your message and sincerely care about the needs and the unique perspectives of those you are communicating to, if you truly want to be heard.
When you speak with determination, it shows you are in control of what you are saying, and influences the listener to process what you are saying.