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Body Language
Deseori, gesturile sau cuvintele sunt interpretate greșit, din cauza unui motiv esențial: sunt scoase din context. Orice gest sau cuvânt trebuie pus în context – și asociat cu alte elemente ale comunicării: verbale, nonverbale sau para verbale. Altfel, își schimbă sensul sau este perceput eronat. Bunăoară, brațele încrucișate E cel mai frecvent gest din limbajul […]
Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that deals with the way facial expressions and body movements are used to express people’s true feelings. The ability to understand people’s body language and also be aware of your own nonverbal signals is an extremely valuable asset to have in your arsenal of communication skills. Your […]
What people say to you goes way beyond their words. So, how to Read Someone’s Body Language? Body language provides an amazing amount of information on what other people are thinking if you know what to look for. And who hasn’t wanted to read people’s minds at some point? I will tell you how to […]